Canine Influenza has raised it’s evil head in the Southern States, especially Florida, so snow birds traveling south this winter, please read. Canine influenza or dog flu is a highly…

Every year the staff at Pet Authority Animal Hospital in Waterford recommends Tick prevention to all pets. Every year clients hesitate to use prevention since they don’t believe their yards…

Why is Dental Care so important? Like humans proper care of our pet’s mouth is essential to their overall health. Tooth pain from loose teeth, cavities, exposed dentin (cracked or…

Lyme disease is a well known tick borne disease in humans and dogs. Both species become infected with Borrelia burgdorferi during the feeding off the host by the tick. According…
The new canine virus H3N2 that has made so many dogs ill or die in Chicago has now spread to other states. This is now becoming a concern for many…
This past week two of my patients were diagnosed with this disease. In our educational pet health articles, the disease and treatment are discussed. Click here to read /articles/?rid=744 The…
Your Border Collie Arthur and his friends absolutely love the outdoors, the more snow for them to play in the better. While Arthur enjoys cold, brisk weather, he’s probably not…
This type of leash poses problems for people and pets. There was 16,564 hospital related injuries to people in the year 2007 according to Consumer Product Safety Commission , 23.5…
While on my family vacation, I could not help notice all the pets enjoying vacations with their families! According to the U.S. Travel Association, there has been an upward trend…